We Moved! WE MOVED

Can We Make #HappyBdayMikeShinoda a TT?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First, make sure to read Mike's latest blog post.

Second, it's almost Mike's birthday!! It's not TODAY, which I'm sure many people will think it is...because of the title. It's on February 11th! I want every single Mike Shinoda fan to post #HappyBdayMikeShinoda on Twitter, we got to try our BEST to make it a trending topic (TT) on Twitter. We are the MSC we have got to make #HappyBdayMikeShinoda a trending topic! We just have to! I'm thinking it's not how early we start posting it...it's how many people we can gather to post it and the time we start posting it. If we all post it during certain hours I'm sure we can get this to be a TT, but to make this happen I need to know if fans are willing to do this.

Post a comment below, tweet to us, or email us.