Tuesday, January 19, 2010
From mikeshinoda.com
On January 12, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti. Hundreds of thousands are feared dead, many of whom are children. Millions more are in need of medical attention, shelter, clothes and food just to make it through the days ahead. It will take years to rebuild homes and communities. My Linkin Park bandmates and I are deeply saddened by the situation and–with the help of an amazing list of talented artists all working in partnership with Music for Relief–want to aid the Haitian people.
Music for Relief has brought together an incredible album of artists who have all generously donated original songs to support the Haiti relief effort. Artists include: ALANIS MORISSETTE, THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS, DAVE MATTHEWS BAND, ENRIQUE IGLESIAS, HOOBASTANK, KENNA, LINKIN PARK, LUPE FIASCO, PETER GABRIEL AND SLASH.
I was a part of three of the songs. One is a BRAND NEW LINKIN PARK SONG called “Not Alone.” The second is by LUPE FIASCO and KENNA called “Resurrection.” The third is a track that KENNA and I did a while back but was never released, called “Never Let Me Down.”
Now, we need your help: you can join in support of the immediate relief and long-term recovery process in Haiti by downloading songs at WWW.MUSICFORRELIEF.ORG and making a donation in any amount. And don’t forget to EMBED THE WIDGET on your Facebook or MySpace page, your blog, or your website…wherever you can spread the word. Every little bit helps.
Funds raised through the program will support the United Nation’s rapid disaster response efforts through the UN Foundation, long-term rebuilding of sustainable homes with Habitat for Humanity, and Dave Matthew’s Band’s BAMA Works Haitian Relief effort. 100% of funds received will go directly to the Haiti efforts.
Kudos to all the artists who have donated their music for the appeal.
To everyone who downloads the tracks PLEASE make a donation, even if its a small one, every dollar/pound counts.
Go to MFR Homepage to donate.
Edit: Please tell all the people you can! Spread the word on Twitter by Retweeting Mike's tweet. Also please tell all the people you follow (with a lot of followers, like celebrities, musicians, artists, etc.) to spread the word! Here's the link: http://t.opsp.in/DAfJ
We need all the help we can get. Please help out.
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